Some Hidden Camera Features in Smartphones You Don't Know About

Well, Do you know your smartphone can do wonders with its Camera’s App. Our smartphone’s camera is a great tool with which you can do a lot more different unique things you didn't even thought of from finding out prices of products etc to a lot more things which we had discussed below.We have mentioned these things, which can be accomplished using different apps.


Hidden Camera Features In Smartphones:

Search Any Product via its Bar Code online and Get the cheapest Price:-

While you are purchasing something from a shop, you can look for it on any online store like amazon etc and can find that product easy cheaper than that shop’s price. You can use the bar code reader app on your smartphone whether it is an android or an iOS, you can have it on your smartphone and with that you can comfortably use to to scan the bar-code present behind that product to find its cheapest price online. You can thus help yourself in saving few bucks from it.

Translate Foreign Language Text:-

Well, you have been to so many foreign countries where a lot many times we need to translate the printed things on any sort of paper or plastic anything like that. Then your smartphone camera can do wonders on it, it can be functioned by using an external app with which you just need to click a picture of the text you want to translate into another language of yours. And it will do it for you.

Well you can also use Google Translate for it, but that is too hectic as you need to input all those lines which are written so that is a difficult task as there may be a lot of words which you need to translate.

Some Cool Tricks:-

Well with it you can actually click pictures from your smartphone’s camera and then it uses its software to interpret its quality and modifies it. Like there is an app IKEA’s catalog app which allows you to interpret ho comes the piece of IKEA furniture would look like on your smartphone.

Pin Nearby Locations on Map:-

Like when clicking your pictures you can actually pin those nearby areas on your pictures using some of the best apps for your android. Like you just clicked a picture and that seems to be connected to an area known as Carem, Los angels. So you can tag it over the location map for your picture. So whosoever checks it can get to know where this picture had been taken from. Various apps for this work includes Wikitude, Layar and a lot more.

So these were the some of the hidden camera features one should know about in its smartphone, with its extended features one would love to click pictures after reading all this.

As I mentioned there wont be anything like this in built on your smartphone, so for each and everything you would need an App for its corresponding feature.

So look for them in the Google Play Store or the iOS app market and make it happen with your pictures.