How To Get An Alarm when The Battery Of Your Android Phone is Full

What about an app which notify us when the battery of our Android phone is full or someone unplugged our phone from charging.

Yes,There is an app named Battery Full And Theft Alarm available on the internet which notify us when one of the above things happened.

Que: But what is the advantage of these app??

Ans: 1) Save electricity: This app notify you when the battery of your android phone is full.So by using this app you save a lot of electricity which is very important now a days.

2)Damage Of Your Battery: Now a days i listen so many cases in which android battery is damage due to extra charging.So this app helps you to save your smartphone from damage.

3)Save Android Phone from Theft: Think when you leave your android phone in any place(Train,Public Rooms,College etc) for  charging and someone wants to steal you android phone and to do this he unplugged your android smartphone from charging.Then your smartphone notifies you by alarm that your android phone is unplugged from charging.And you save your phone from theft.

And the best thing i see in this app is that its alarm is password enabled means it continues alarming whenever you entered correct password to stop alarming.


Battery Full And Theft Alarm App for Android:

This app has two functions:-

1. Battery Full Alarm
2. Charger unplug Alarm (Theft alarm)

1. Battery Full Alarm:-
The app alerts via sound & vibration if the battery is fully charged. (You can choose whether sound or vibration from the settings screen).

2. Charger unplug Alarm:-
The app alerts if the charger is unplugged at any time. You need to enter the password to stop the alarm.
(You can choose the password from the settings screen)

Use: If you leave your phone in any place for charging (trains, public rooms, etc.,), Theft alarm can help you very much.