Rajnikant's website runs without internet.. NO KIDDING!!

WeN RaJnIkAnT was a student--Teachers used to bunk class…
Time and tide waits for Rajnikanth…! Mind it..!..
rajnikant's website runs without an internet.. no joke this time.. Yes, I am serious this is true. Only when the web is disconnected, one is allowed to explore the site.

"Aiyyo! That was unexpected. To keep browsing, switch off your internet,"  if such warning comes, then make sure that you have disconnected your internet connection.

"The unbelievable spectacle of running a website without the Internet is a tribute to Rajinikant's larger than life image," claimed Webchutney's creative director Gurbaksh Singh, who developed the site for Desimartini.com.

Singh told PTI that the website is based on a complex algorithm running in the back-end that keeps an eye on the propagation of data packets between two terminals.Magic kicks in soon as the internet speed is down to zero, which is the basic premise on which the site and the concept has been constructed.
   So just go ahead and see it yourself  www.allaboutrajni.com

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