So, in this article for all my friends who love meme shared by their friends, here is a list of top 2014 meme generator tools which provides you best features, awesome templates to create a meme. Now, its time to create your own meme and share it with all of your friends. Have fun:
Quick meme is the fabulous meme generator tool availabe here on the web. You can create an awesome meme either with the help of popular templates or by uploading the desired image from the computer.
In the best meme generator's list "meme generator" is just following "quick meme" out here on the web. Similar to others, you can Browse for the best memes on the internet and edit them to create your own meme.
It allows you to create an awesome meme's with the help of its superb features like you can drag the text anywhere on the image and it also offers you to create an GIF meme's. so, enjoy creating an desired meme.
It is one of the popular and best meme generator tools. Use the best templates available or upload the image from the computer, create a desired image and if you register an account you can save all memes at one place or you can save edited image to your computer.
It is the one of the popular tools used to create memes. As it stands for "Do it yourself" and " Laugh out loud" So, it’s all fun creating meme with "Diy LoL" as it uses iPhone app.
It offers you to browse multiple templates over internet and can upload any image from the computer, after creating a meme you can share with your friends on social networking sites but to download the image you have to right click on the image and select the option "save image as".
Meme Crunch is popular meme generator which offers you two text input fields (Top and Bottom) and also provides plus and minus button by which you resize the text displayed on the meme.
It is the fabulous meme generator which provides you multiple templates and also an option to upload an image from the computer. It also provides various features like color settings, font style and size, outline, shadow and etc.
With awesome features, rage generator is very popular for creating comic images. It offers you to create conversational memes so, enjoy creating meme with rage generator.
Zipme is also a popular and easy meme generator which allows a lot of templates from the internet and provides an option to upload an image from the computer.
So these some online services and let us know which one you really liked to create your own meme. You can also share your favorite site which you previously use to create meme.
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