Make your computer speaking your words

hey,its text to speech technology..... i am going to tell you easiest way to use it on our computers: no downloads, no installations, just use Windows Notepad. Unbelievable? Please allow me to do this me. here goes three simple steps:

1. Open Notepad, copy the code below and paste it into Notepad
Dim text, sapi
text=InputBox("What do you want me to say?", "Talking Computer")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak text
2. Save with the file name speak.vbs.
On notepad, click the main menu>File>Save, the Save As dialog box appears. On the File name field, type speak.vbs, and on Save as type, choose All Files (*.*), then click the Save button.
3. Double-click speak.vbs.
Run the speak.vbs file by double-clicking it and type whatever you want your computer to speak for you, and click Ok. Of course, turn on your speakers first.

thats all..type your words and computer speaks..this trick enables computer to speak immediately without additional software. It's also fun to hear how your computer pronounced the words too :)


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