How to make CON folder in windows

Folder with Name "con"
many people knows that we cant make folder "con" in windows, even microsoft dont knows.... :)
But i have a funny and amazing trick to make it.... 

Goto command Prompt,
Goto the location where you want to make the folder with name “con”.
write the command:
mkdir \\.\e:\con
To remove the folder again:
rmdir \\.\e:\con


  1. its fantastic post.i liked so much.its nice.

  2. it'S really awesome

  3. Hi its me Dilpreet
    Sorry to interfere sir but I feel that I m having a more easy way than you,hope all will like it.
    first make a folder and then rename it with con then hold the alt key and press nine times 9 key.
    this really works and all will like it . thanks

  4. Create CON Folder in Windows

  5. You do know that you can simply write md con\\, and it will create con folder in the active drive?


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