So how you thanks your Facebook friends on your birthday when you got so many wishes messages from your friends.
Yes,i know we usually send thanks messages to all friends one by one.And this is very time consuming process.
Thanks to HackingUniverity to share a script which help us to send Facebook message to all friends in just one click.
How To Send Bulk Facebook Messages To All friends in Just One Click:
Step 1: Log into your Facebook account.
Step 2: Now press F12 if you are using chrome browser and CTRL+SHIFT+K if you are using Mozilla Firefox to open the console tab.SEE In Screenshot Below.
Step 3: Now click here and copy the script and paste it into the console tab and press enter.You will see a text area like shown in screenshot.Paste the message in text area and press enter.
Remember: Use this trick once in a day otherwise your messaging services will be temporary blocked for sending bulk messaging.
Wonderful piece of information !!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing
Happy 2014 :)